Local Power - SonomaCleanPower CCA Initial Program Design
Local Power helped Sonoma County to prepare its CCA program from 2007 to 2013, starting with the preparation of the energy element of its county-wide Community Climate Action Plan in 2007. Including an Alternatives Analysis in 2010, and followed by a detailed study of Big Utility Data that LPI collected from PG&E with the Center for Climate Protection with whom Local Power partnered with Los Alamos Laboratory, and LPI refined its CCA cost of service and financial estimates for the Climate Action Plan In-County Buildout, which proposed a 67% localization of energy facilities to newly built local and Bay Area renewables over a five-year period.

In 2007, LPI prepared a detailed plan to use CCA and revenue bonds as the basis for achieving a 67% Renewable Portfolio Standard by 2017, and a 63% reduction in sectoral greenhouse gas emissions. LPI conducted a survey of renewable resources in Sonoma County and neighboring areas, and coordinated with the Sonoma County Water Agency on identifying opportunities for renewable resource development. LPI was also contracted to manage a CCA data request for the County, and were engaged by the Sonoma County Water Agency as an advisor in the North American Climate Partnership. In 2010, Local Power analyzed the volumetric potential of a full range of policies available under current law for Sonoma County to achieve adopted regional greenhouse gas reduction targets compared to CCA based upon its 2007 Climate Action Plan, PACE, incremental pathways to community power, and a public power agency called PWRPA. LPI conducted interviews with local government agency staff, collected and compiled data on extant programs and electric power use in Sonoma County, and analyzed the potential impacts that these programs may have in achieving the County’s adopted target of 25% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels by 2015.
Primary data sources also include Pacific Gas and Electric, the California Energy Commission, the California Independent System Operator and the California Public Utilities Commission, as well as other sources referenced in footnotes throughout this report. In a California Energy Commission-funded Research and Development partnerhip with Sonoma County Water Agency and Los Alamos Laboratory, "Renewable Energy Secure Communities" (completed 2013), Local Power developed and demonstrated a multi-year cost-of-service model for the integration of mature renewable resources together with efficiency measures and demand response to prepare Sonoma County to advance to the implementation stage of constructing a locally owned, cost-effective renewable energy portfolio. LPI worked with the Sonoma County Water Agency and the Climate Protection Campaign as partners on this grant. Sonoma County has made groundbreaking progress at the local level towards achieving the renewable energy secure communities vision. In 2005, all nine cities and the County adopted the boldest community greenhouse gas reduction target in the nation - 25% below 1990 levels by 2015. The project report provided a blueprint for achieving this target. The CCA service, Sonoma Clean Power, was launched in early 2014 and is serving customers today.
Sonoma County R&D Documents
Sonoma County Renewable Energy Secure Communities (RESCO) - Final Report (2013)
Sonoma RESCO Data Collection Report
Sonoma County Alternatives Analysis: Electricity from Renewable Sources for Sonoma County (2013)
Sonoma County (California) 2008 Climate Action Plan