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Paul Fenn Summary.

Paul Fenn Paul Fenn, Founder & President of Local Power, has over twenty-five years of success developing a new energy program that allows communities to become energy independent and sustainable, saving Americans billions of dollars, causing many Gigawatts of new renewable energy developments and resulting in record greenhouse gas reductions. Featured in dozens of publications from Bloomberg to Fast Company, quoted widely in hundreds of news outlets from the Wall Street Journal to the New York Times, and the focus of numerous academic studies from MIT to Cambridge University Press, Fenn is widely recognized for multiple innovations in energy policy, law, and finance, data analysis, program design, and engineering. After coauthoring the original municipal aggregation law in Massachusetts twenty-five years ago, and drafting a second generation "CCA 2.0 law" in California in 2000, Fenn drafted San Francisco's 2001 landmark Green Bond authority, Prop H, approved by voters after a campaign by cofounder Julia Peters. Since 2001, Fenn's group has focused on program implementation to "re-engineer the grid:" creating strategies to lower the cost of localizing energy with renewables. In recent years, Fenn wrote a third generation "CCA 3.0" model for climate mobilization in 2020. Fenn team came up with a strategy for Ann Arbor, Michigan to create a < a href="https://localpower.com/AnnArbor.pdf">Sustainable Energy Utility, and wrote a business plan for a $1B "In-City Buildout" of renewables and energy efficiency in San Francisco. Fenn's team proved the feasibility of a localization-based carbon reduction strategy for Sonoma County, California's CCA launch, and created a "Localization Portfolio Standard" for Boulder, Colorado. Fenn is also recognized for major campaigns in the process, such as the successful 2010 defeat of PG&E's $67M Proposition 16 to hamstring California's CCA law. Fenn holds a Masters degree with PhD fellowship from University of Chicago and has articles and books published on energy and political theory.

A more detailed bio is available here.

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