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Transition Towns, Conversion Cities

Relocalization and greening of your community's energy supply offers an unprecedented opportunity to improve local energy security when the grid fails, and reduced exposure to increasingly volatile fossil-fueled power prices.

Localizing power is also key to reducing strains on existing power grids. Local upgrades of Distributed Energy Resources installed in buildings build energy resilience from the ground up, focusing investment on homes and businesses rather than costly grid expansions.

LPI's Renewable-Based Energy Secure Communities Project with San Luis Obispo County, California

 LPI CleanPowerSF In-City Buildout Regulatory & Policy, Permitting, Risk Analysis, Contracting, Energy Cost Model, Financial Model and Budgetary Estimate (2013)

 LPI San Francisco Program Report (2009)

 LPI San Francisco's 360 MW Rollout Implementation Plan (2007)

 LPI Sonoma County Renewable Energy Secure Communities (RESCO) - Final Report (2013)

 LPI Sonoma RESCO Data Collection Report

 Boulder Localization Standard Electricity and Natural Gas (2011)

 Boulder Energy Future Consultant Reports Page

 LPI Staff Article Reprinted from Architecture Magazine and Architecture California

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