A Revolution in Power.
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You Say You Want a Revolution?

Some say climate change demands nuclear power — that it is safe, with new reactor technologies that could reduce greenhouse gas emissions quickly. But Local Power's work has proven renewables can do the job. Widespread deployment of renewable Distributed Energy Resources in buildings is the right path, but has been blocked by a lack of a legal and fiancial support structure.

Today, we have organized that support structure. Local Power's CCA 3.0 platform allows green power technologies to be integrated interoperably with battery storage and microgrids for "baseload" performance in regional communities - with the grid serving as backup power.

 Local Power's CleanPowerSF In-City Buildout Regulatory & Policy, Permitting, Risk Analysis, Contracting, Energy Cost Model, Financial Model and Budgetary Estimate (2013)

 Local Power staff article on Community Choice paradigm shift reprinted from Natural Gas & Electricity (Wileys, 2008).

 San Diego County "Green Energy Options" Report (2007)
 Green Energy Options Report Appendices
 Green Energy Options Press Release

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